Today, Minnesotans are exercising their First Amendment rights, respectfully and peacefully by contacting their representative here and in Washington at her offices. Rep. Fischbach was quoted in an interview last week calling the protests at her offices “garbage" and implying that the residents participating aren’t even from here. She knows perfectly well that her own constituents are at her doorstep. The question is, is she lying to you or to herself?
The people of this district want to know why an unelected South African billionaire is allowed to fire the hardworking staff at Minnesota’s veterans hospitals along with the people who protect our nation’s nuclear weapons? Why the team that is working on bird flu was let go and how extreme cuts to Medicaid and CHIP will impact their families? Our family farmers are under unprecedented stress thanks to tariffs that will close markets to them worldwide, and yet Fischbach abandoned the House AG committee leaving us without that needed strong voice, all while the price of groceries and utility bills continue to skyrocket.
It is not too much to ask that the people of District 7 demand a representative that works for us instead of towing the party line. It is time for Fischbach to meet with all the people of our district, even the ones that disagree with her. We have serious problems. We deserve a brave independent representative, one that can bridge divides and bring us together.